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This Environmental policy statement applies to Flywheel IT Services and all its subsidiary companies including Nexus Associates and Colwyn Technologies.

Flywheel IT Services is committed to conducting its operations with respect and care for the environment, recognising that good environmental practice is also good business practice. Reducing impact o­n the environment is an integral part of the Flywheel IT culture.

The following environmental policy objectives have been established to achieve our vision and mission

  • Comply with the requirements of environmental legislation and approved codes of practice.
  • Assess the environmental impact of all historic, current and likely future operations by conducting rigorous audits and assessments of Flywheel IT’s compliance with this policy.
  • Continuously seek to improve Flywheel IT’s environmental management system and performance.
  • Develop, manufacture, and market products that are safe for their intended use, efficient in their use of energy, protective of the environment, and that can be reused, recycled or disposed of safely.
  • Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials, and using recyclable packaging and other materials.
  • Reduce the use of all raw materials, energy and supplies.
  • Raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees in environmental matters.
  • Encourage the procurement of ‘environmentally friendly’ goods and services throughout the Company.
  • Assist customers to use products and services in an environmentally-sensitive way.
  • Liaise with the local community and participate in discussions with regulatory bodies, environmental organisations and all other interested parties in order to improve environmental protection and understanding around the world and share appropriate pollution prevention technology, knowledge and methods.